Interior designers use a color wheel to choose colors and tones that match. You should know that there are active colors (such as red, yellow and orange), passive colors (blue, green and purple) and neutral colors (white, black, gray, beige and brown). It is very important that you know how each of these color groups might influence a room. For example, warm colors tend to stand out; neutrals, as their name suggests are….. neutral; and passive colors calm the atmosphere.

Red is for many the color of passionate love: a red rose, a red box of chocolates on Valentines Day, a red heart, but in South Africa red means mourning. Red is also the most common color found in national flags. That is because in ancient times flags were usually used on the battlefield and red gave the signal for battle. Red is also the color of blood – red eggs at Easter symbolize the blood of Christ and good luck. Red is good luck also in China, where it is also used as wedding color. If you like red, creating an interior decoration with a Chinese theme is a perfect choice.

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